Have you heard of SWAPPINGTONS? Dig – it’s an online service with which post CDs, Books, and Movies you own but are tired of or through with, and you trade with other people.

No money is exchanged; just a sort of “credits” system on the web site. It’s a great way to move around all the plastic and paper media you’ve accrued and now regard with the sort of shame one reserves for gluttonous consumerism. SWAPPINGTONS is a great way to lighten your load, and get some new books to read, and new music to listen to. Then you can swap them out again, like a giant library.

Listing your stuff is super easy, and the site seems to be changing every single day now. (at first, you could only list cds, books, and dvds. now it seems you can also list vhs tapes and video games.) I hope more people continue to use this service so I will be able to choose from media that is more closely targeted to my demographic. Sorry, Hoobastank, or whoever you are.

And here’s the part where I grovel a bit. When you sign up, and it asks you who referred you to the service, give them my username: TREMBLE. It grants a few extra points, which would make me grateful. And then pass it along to other friends, and have them do the same for you. See? Just like Amway. And The Forum.

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