Thanks to all for attending the NO EXIT, PART 2 reading last night. In spite of my conflicted craving for + aversion to adulation – I was told the only time I looked truly uncomfortable was during audience applause – I had a great time. The actors had a ton of fun with the material and I hope people’s apprehension about the potential obliqueness of the material was quickly smoothed out by the early inclusion of an “ass beer” joke at the beginning of the play.

One of the attendees was nice enough to snap a couple photographs without my knowledge, and he emailed them to me this morning. Even if you weren’t there, now you are. Feel the rush…of carriage returns.

no exit reading, kbg. jew writer at center.

click on image for larger detail. thanks to stan cherian for camera work. and thanks to large heads in foreground for their work as extras in the production.


Today I was faced with a difficult decision. I have been working on a freelance writing assignment, and the piece is for a teenage audience (14-15 years old). A question was raised about my use of the expression “monkey pee” and whether, perhaps, this might be too juvenile for the intended audience.

My knee-jerk reaction was “NO!” and I still sort of believe it. However, after investigating that reaction I realized it came out of me so quickly because I actually think monkey pee isn’t even too juvenile for me. I would love to see the words “monkey pee” in 40 foot letters in the middle of Times Square. I’d visit more often. It could even help boost our economy. And if people think monkey pee is too juvenile for a 14 year-old – someone whose every waking hour is a new scatalogical mystery, thanks in large part to puberty and in small part to the films of Adam Sandler – then what does that say about me? A grown man who loves monkey pee. I guess I realized that in defending monkey pee, I was really defending my own socially retarded sense of humor.

I had allies in the monkey pee debate, to be sure. But ultimately I agreed that it could (not should) be excised. I think it came down to this: did I want to go down in history as the writer who martyred himself over monkey pee? Not really. Three years ago, I would have said “yes.” Today, instead of fighting, I got a haircut and bought a blazer. Tomorrow I’m going to buy a belt and get married. Over the weekend I’m going to go bald and die of a cardiac arrest while tanning my swollen, Speedo-clad body on a chaise lounge in St. Martin. I will become a single-serving pogrom.


Well yes, OK, it’s my birthday today. Is that a plea for strangers to attack my Amazon wish list or assault me with ecards from fundamentalist Christian web sites? (of course, carefully chosen for maximum ironic effect: “holy shit! i am totally sending this picture of christ healing a leper with this MIDI of the axel f. theme for background music! i can’t believe this shit!!! christians are a-holes.”) Yes. yes it is.

No. Not really. But here’s something funny, to me at least. I woke up on my official birthday, at 3:30am, from being passed out on my couch in a seated position. My cats were right by my side, judging me silently. (i was drowsy, but i’m nearly positive i heard one of them mumble, “prick” under her breath.) On my computer were two extremely kind ‘happy birthday’ emails that had the unfortunate effect of making me more blue than happy, for reasons all my own. This morning, as I hunched over from the great stabbing pain of last evening’s tragic eggroll dinner, I thought my day was already too loaded with terrible omens to continue with my head up. I even took a cab to work today, just so I wouldn’t have to crawl underground.

When I arrived at someone else’s office, there were a few more emails and this time I almost lost it. But for good reasons. I can’t believe some of these people even knew it was my birthday. (god i feel so funny typing the words ‘my birthday’. it makes me feel like a gigantic baby. this is one of my least endearing character tics. i crave attention, but don’t take well to receiving it.) I can’t believe I was feeling so damn self-piteous this morning when there are so many arguments to be made to the contrary. One more year with my hair intact, my weight semi-normal, my brain functioning (mostly), my furniture tasteful, my sex drive respectable, my cell phone adorable, my family close, my friends even closer, and my CD collection still modestly winning its struggle against becoming hopelessly square. All in all, it’s shaping up to be a nice day.

P.S. Had a rehearsal for the reading coming up this thursday night (DO ATTEND!) and I learned two valuable lessons about the way I write. First, I love long sentences. And second, I think patterns of three are really funny. I need to be aware of the first and overcome the second. I also learned that the actors are really excellent.


The Preppie Killer is out! The Preppie Killer is out! It’s interesting to me that people still call him that, since it’s really such a dated label. More interesting, however, is that it seems Robert Chambers was in prison exactly long enough for his clothes to go out of style, and then back in again. Shouldn’t there be a more cruel form of punishment? For instance, I’ve noticed that style-less grunge is starting to rear its lazy, glue-addled head again. Beards are showing up, as are trucker caps and flannel. Maybe the state should have waited a few months longer to release Chambers because, as the world exists today, he could become confused into believing he has lots of followers.

For those of you without the patience to read that last paragraph, here is a distilled, monologue-ready version of that joke:

“Robert Chambers, the Preppie Killer, is finally out. Which is ironic, because preppie is actually kind of in.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Alfred Molina!

[p.s. this officially ends my latest streak of maudlin behavior on i’ve always felt you deserved better. i hope my naked humanity was not too nauseating for you. werewolf jokes, ho!]


I went to a friend’s bar last night, because I’d promised him I would stop in and check out a digital animation show his wife was curating. If that already sounds like trouble, I think the rest of this will make a lot of sense to you.

The bar has a very deliberate digital edge to it – clean white walls and banquettes; consoles on every table with computer monitors, swivel spy cameras, and joysticks all built for anti-social socializing – and the animation show wasn’t narrative in any way. Rather, it was the visual equivalent to listening to deep electronic music. Pulsing shapes, disjointed voice-over, scraps of visuals fizzling and zip-zapping around the screen. And about as warm as a three day old dead hobo.

I don’t know what it is about electronic music. (and by this i mean the very esoteric type of electronic music. not the thumpy kind with all that pants-stretching bass and incalculable BPMs. i know what that music is for. it’s for sucking vitamin c tablets and frenching shag carpeting.) I’ve found tiny pockets of emotion here and there, but that usually involves the incorporation of something analog. (in an aphex twin song i heard recently, this was accomplished by a symphony of wind-up toys) However, it’s generally so antiseptic. Is it cool to like something this disaffected? The electronic burps never raise a single hair on my arms. How do people fuck to this? How do people who listen to this ever even think about fucking? It’s like a statement of sexlessness. And maybe that’s OK. Maybe there are other times one should reserve for feeling sexy or even feeling like they have a pulse but I can’t think of what those are. Solving algebra problems? Talking about German art? I don’t know.

Right before I left for the show, I listened to the new White Stripes album for the first time. (that statement was this year’s official “i just downloaded the ‘KID A’ bootleg today.”) That album was stuffed with humanity – guitars that crunched right down on my skull, microwaving the blood beneath my skin. Shouts and wails and real instruments. You can even hear the floor creak beneath the rollicking drum kit. And to go from that to pure ones and zeros? Even the bar, which I’ve appreciated in the past, seemed like an incredibly frustrating novelty to me last night. (by no fault of its own, in case you’re reading this, bob.)

A friend of mine was DJing there last night, right after the animation show. I really wanted to see him play but I couldn’t. I was just too chilled, I think. Fortunately, when I left that bar and walked through the doors of a new one, I was greeted by stretched fabric, black and white photographs, autumn colors, and the overwhelmingly warm smiles of some of my favorite people in New York City, or anywhere else.

And every now and again a little thought popped into my head: I could never love anyone who loves electronic music. Then I drank some more and that thought, and a few thousand others that had been digging at me for the last few weeks, were set out to sea. I highly advocate vodka. It’s made from real potatoes, not electronic ones.


CURRENT MOOD: tragi-comic

I had one of those days, where luck was dictated by a shower of bird shit on my jacket. It’s hard to recover from that just as, I’m finding, it’s hard to recover from many things. Now I keep trying to put myself back there, wondering how I must have looked, wiping away at fresh bird shit with a Starbucks napkin. I am guessing I looked like a trifle, like the world’s smartest boy, like a person being groomed for disappointment. I hope it was a test instead of a final grade.

Given the way I feel presently, the temptation to martyr myself has never been greater. And, lord, what a convenient medium for such activities. But I’ll spare the audience and just say this: I can’t wait until I’m funny again. Something I think, now and then, I’m actually good at and apparently willing to work at. In fact, I wrote a new self-made martyr joke tonight:

I finally decided what tattoo I’m going to get. On my shoulder, twin theater masks: Tragedy and Tragedy. See? (he laughed nervously) I’m better already!


I am really trying very hard to fit in at my job. I’ve been on assignment at a nice advertising agency for a couple of months now, and I’m really making an effort to get along, meet my co-workers. An office is a quick cure for loneliness in some ways, and I expected this would be a good opportunity for me.

That said, I would like you to know that walking into a crowded men’s bathroom on and announcing, “Man, it’s a real sausage fest in here,” does nothing to expedite one’s orientation process or endear one to the staff.

At least I earned a nickname today, which is something I’ve always wanted. I would not have chosen “Jerkass” but, then again, nicknames are not chosen; they’re earned.


People complained about the wind-blasted cold; then they complained about the snow. Not me. I choose my battles carefully and I’ll always be snow’s leading advocate, as long as I remain a pedestrian in New York City.

When the snow first began falling on sunday evening, and I saw it through a hole in the Union Square subway stairwell, I did something I’m never moved to do in any weather: I grabbed my camera. The Union Square stairwell (on the nw corner of the park) is a lucky one. Instead of leading back, then forth, affording you a view of tile and steel and nothing more, the stairs go up one way. By standing in the right spot one can easily see the street from the floor. And up beyond there, the sky. Filled with snow.

I snapped a couple of photographs very quickly, producing an accidental variety of photographic effects by pushing buttons and adding or removing flash. I still haven’t mastered my camera. It knows more than I do. But, for the first time, I came really close to capturing snow exactly as my eye sees it. It falls like fairies.


Do you remember that band Live? Me neither. Thank God.


Unwanted email is at an all-time high in my inbox, and the tricks utilized by online direct marketers to grab my attention have gotten more subtle.

When did it become OK to actually lie? And not just sort of lie, as some advertising has been known to do – creating a false need, then satisfying it within the space of a :30 spot. These are insane lies. The subject lines in the emails I receive now don’t even resemble honest marketing anymore. Instead of “GET A FREE MEAT TWISTER”, it’s always “Are we having lunch?” or other seemingly disjointed, personal greetings.

As a result, I’m always surprised by which subject lines still grab my attention. My junk mail filter does its due diligence and captures a great deal of junk mail coming through but, as the devices grow more and more sophisticated, it falls off a little bit and lets some creeps through. Unfortunately, I’m no smarter. Even when the “from” field is a name that is completely unfamiliar to me, I hold on to it because it is, after all, still a name.

My expectations constantly come into question, too. I see a subject line, I build an expectation. I open the email and, more often than not, that expectation is exploded by real estate scams or high-lustre titties. But, just like all those people who infected their computers with the I LOVE YOU virus because, maybe just maybe, someone reall did love them, I constantly reach out at the hope of friendship or love from total strangers. Here’s an example of an email I received, how I perceived it, and how well it held up to that perception.

Email Subject Line: Someone out there really likes you.
Me: Someone out there really likes me!
Them: Someone out there really wants you to pay $14.95/month to watch a dolphin fuck her ass on camera.

Homepage photo: Lindsey Byrnes
Site design & code: Erik Frick