The talented and diminutive photographer, Anya Garrett, recently did something more incredible than she probably imagined. In a photo she recently posted on her Flickr page, she has actually managed to capture the precise image I have in my head whenever I hear someone say the word “blogosphere”: PERFECTION.

Coincidentally, Lisa recently posted a picture on her Flickr page that perfectly captures the image I’ve had in my head whenever I run into someone and they ask me what I’ve been up to lately. I usually answer, “oh, just writing a ton. Really focusing on the writing. Not doing a lot of shows these days. Guess it’s just not a priority for me right now,” but the answer in my head looks a lot more like this. (The only thing missing–and this is technically impossible with Lisa behind the camera–is Lisa in the background, performing and holding multiple yoga positions in order to divert my attention back to her.)

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