I’ve been seeing a lot of links (online, and in person) to Quickhoney lately. I love Peter Stemmler’s illustration and pixel-design. I was really pleased to see Eboy, a collective of Brooklyn-based, German-born graphic designers of which Peter is a member, get the proper treatment with the release of their book, Hello, last year.

I became sort of enamored with Peter’s vector illustration style a couple of years ago and took my crush far enough to commission an illustration. I sent him my favorite childhood photograph – an image I thought was befitting of his style – sent it to him, and he sent me back a file. I realize it’s somewhat odd, maybe even vain, to have a portrait of yourself hanging above your desk in your apartment, but it’s easy to put that judgement aside when the portrait looks like this:

i had no control over my wardrobe at this age.


Have you heard of SWAPPINGTONS? Dig – it’s an online service with which post CDs, Books, and Movies you own but are tired of or through with, and you trade with other people.

No money is exchanged; just a sort of “credits” system on the web site. It’s a great way to move around all the plastic and paper media you’ve accrued and now regard with the sort of shame one reserves for gluttonous consumerism. SWAPPINGTONS is a great way to lighten your load, and get some new books to read, and new music to listen to. Then you can swap them out again, like a giant library.

Listing your stuff is super easy, and the site seems to be changing every single day now. (at first, you could only list cds, books, and dvds. now it seems you can also list vhs tapes and video games.) I hope more people continue to use this service so I will be able to choose from media that is more closely targeted to my demographic. Sorry, Hoobastank, or whoever you are.

And here’s the part where I grovel a bit. When you sign up, and it asks you who referred you to the service, give them my username: TREMBLE. It grants a few extra points, which would make me grateful. And then pass it along to other friends, and have them do the same for you. See? Just like Amway. And The Forum.


Who saw Friday After Next just moments after it was released? Me. Who published my review of it? Film Threat. Who is more culpable in this instance? I’ll leave it to the jury.


If you don’t live in New York City right now, it wouldn’t hurt to move here. (providing you don’t move into my neighborhood. if i have to wait in line for a hamburger at bonnie’s ever again, i will start checking ids.) I’m not assuming a state of metropolitan superiority, although I can see how that first statement might suggest that. I just think it would be easier for me to promote Jest Magazine if you lived here.

Jest launched semi-officially today. It’s a new, free monthly humor magazine from and about New York. Jest is staffed predominantly by comics and comedy writers, and much of it is really damn funny. And yes, I have a story in it. (secret surprise self-promotion flim-flam) As does this bitch. And this Quaker. And they’re good. I promise.

Right now Jest is being dropped in various downtown and outer-borough spots through the end of this week. I believe 10,000 copies have gone out, with another 30,000 more to follow. Look for it at bars, record stores, cute restaurants, and any place kids with expensive haircuts and second-hand clothing spend their unemployment checks. I think it’s still in its infancy, but it’s nice. And it’s free. And it actually made me laugh, even though I thought my heart turned to ice years ago. Think of what it could do for you. So move here. OK?


Over the weekend someone informed me that tremble had been linked from a site called memepool, which explained a weird spike in emails from strangers who very much wanted to tell me whether or not I am gay. (thanks!) Memepool is one of those sites that passionately tracks (and usually initiates) the kinds of quirky web sites normals like us forward to everyone we know. You know what I’m talking about. Dogs in kimonos? Memepool was there. That weird guy who dresses like Peter Pan and Little Lord Fauntleroy? Memepool is on it. In other words, all the important stuff that keeps you from finishing up those spreadsheets or that game of PC solitaire. I love memepool.

That the site decided to send people to visit ‘does that make my gay?’ just a few short years after it was initially posted on tremble probably speaks volumes about my own poor self-promotional skills. If I’d known memepool was coming, however, I would have corrected all of the horrible grammar and early-Todd fancy-free writing style, or at least apologized for it. But I guess if you’re someone who is used to being entertained by crooning babies or the HampsterDance, my apology isn’t really necessary.

P.S. I kiss you.


I’ve always felt weird about including a list of my Fave Web Sites on tremble. It’s just another self-conscious trap I create for myself and then try to avoid, blaming everyone else in the process. The act of aggregating favorites often – but not always – strikes me as false. I see people link to sites no one could possibly want to keep up with but somehow help, through association, to shape the identity (or boost the hits?) of the author.

That said, I know the above statement only applies to about 12 jerks. The truth is that many of my lovely friends (who have web sites) include links and I trust them 100%. They’re usually just shout-outs to actual friends or recommendations for further reading, or both. But each time I tried to compile a list like that it was just too paralyzing. It’s the same reason I don’t keep a diary. The few times I tried to start a real diary/journal to record and detail my most private thoughts it quickly degenerated into an anonymous celebrity tell-all. I couldn’t escape the delusion that some day this journal about dorm room sleepovers would some day become a published work (with high pricetag foreign and film rights) chronicling the tortured genius blossoming within me. As soon as I became conscious of my impossible-to-subert intentions it would disgust me, and I would quickly abandon the diary and go back to other, less damaging activities – like hanging strings of jalapeno-shaped party lights or cleaning the mold out of my bathroom caddy.

I also get this weird feeling that, whenever my peers are linked somewhere and I’m not, it means I’m despised by the individual responsible for posting the links in the first place. I never consider that I’m an unknown entity to anyone. This is a thought that is at once self-centered and self-destructive; sort of my specialty. (i have that excellent gift of narcissism turned on its head, where i am sure everyone is thinking about me, and they’re all saying, “nice haircut, dick.”) Following that logic, the last thing I need is another opportunity to negatively evaluate my self-worth. Therefore I have tried to protect other people as screwed up as me by dispensing with the permanent record of my favorites. It’s kind of like a modified Golden Rule, contoured to my own insecurities.

But if you’re curious, if you’re really curious, here is a one-time list of every “personal” site I visit with any kind of real frequency (i.e. more than 2 times a week). There are plenty of other sites I enjoy but maybe forgot to bookmark and therefore forget to frequent. Please note that this is an unabridged list so it includes friends, strangers whom I admire, useful resources (except for obvious ones like the ny times, google, and sublime directory), and sites I only bother with to satisfy a desire for unintentional comedy. I won’t say which is which, because that would be mean: andrew, pants, leslie, josh, alexis, evany, bob, julius, christian, liam, ms. sharpe, aaron, steven, jason, ben, dori, richard, jami, harry, chris, matt, annie, chen, daegan, slatch, buddy, pitchfork, bob and david, paul, kevin, rebecca, mars, timothy, jim, david, witold, john, jorn, bazima, heidi, drew, torch, khoi.

I realize this will cause some people’s web sites to spike with 2-3 brand new visitors for the next 24 hours. And I know many of those people obsessively check their web site statistics the same way they obsessively check their voicemail at home and on their cellular, and will be wondering if these visits mean they’re being lauded, insulted, or pranked. None of the above. Just know that I watch you, and I have my reasons. Sorry if it makes you unnecessarily self-conscious. At least the cat’s dead now.


I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. As horribly cliché as I’m sure it will sound, I have been SWAMPED over here. That’s the bad news. Now here’s the good news.

Sniglets: The Motion Picture has finally gone into pre-pro. (oops. i mean “pre-production”. sorry. i know it’s been a long time since you were in c.h.u.d. II: bud the chud, so you might be a little soft on the industry lingo.) You might have already heard about some of the casting problems if you follow the movie fan-boy web sites but let me set the record straight. We NEVER promised the role of Professor John Snigglesworth to Breckin Meyer, no matter what his people are saying. It’s absurd – between you and me, the kid looks like he’s barely old enough to play one of the professor’s students. We always had our hearts on someone a little more “distinguished”. (again, that’s hollywoodspeak for “old”) Our first choice was Sir Ian McKellan but, as you probably already know unless you’re actually living in Middle Earth, that motherfucker is very busy.

We lowered our expectations a bit and passed the script along to John Hurt – the poor man’s McKellan – and went back and forth for what seemed like months. Apparently he’s got some long-running gig doing voice-over for a kid’s cartoon called Skull Duggery or some other such nonsense. He plays a gay field mouse who studies metallurgy – frankly, I’m not really sure of the details. The point is, Hurt is really serious about this thing. He kept referring to it as an antidote for the “twin cities of Lust and Avarice erected by the MTVs of the world”. He was being really inflexible. In the end, it probably worked out better for us because I think the guy’s getting very Christian or something.

That led to discussions with John Houseman (dead? maybe. didn’t answer our calls.), William Hurt (at least he’s a “hurt”), John Heard (close enough, if you ask me), Jennifer Hort (this was a stretch, admittedly), the guy from “Alf” (crackhead/porn addict – why doesn’t anyone tell me these things?), and Punky Brewster’s adopted grandfather. Finally, we settled on Don “The Dragon” Wilson. Before you flip out, you have got to see the test photos. With a little silver hairspray, some glasses, and a special blazer to narrow his shoulders a bit, this guy is Snigglesworth. If you ask me, we were very fortunate to get him between productions on his “Bloodfist” films.

In other news, the Sniglet Ray special effects are pretty spectacular. It’s amazing what a 15 year-old kid with an iBook can do these days. I think you’ll be impressed. I’m just glad everything is moving forward. Oh, one quick thing. Not a big deal. We just had a minor tweak to the script at the last minute and I wasn’t able to tell you in time. Things got really crazy and, honestly, it wasn’t such a big deal or you know I would have consulted you immediately. Right? The studio suits felt the character of Emily Snigglesworth needed some “modernization” re-working. (ha ha. you know how these guys can be.) She’s still a Linguist Phd but now she’s also a champion beach volleyball player and Tae Kwon Do expert. And she’s no longer Professor Snigglesworth’s niece; she’s his bodyguard/romantic interest. Trust me – this is the kind of thing that tests really well. And the chemistry between Don and Heather Hunter is tops. (oh, did I tell you we had to re-cast that role? i know you had your heart set on lelee but she was just too “chaste”, you know? and heather actually played volleyball in middle school before she dropped out. so again, lucky us.)

Hope this reaches you in good health. You’re still keeping this P.O. Box at Mailboxes Etc., right? Anyway, we can catch up tonight when I see you at your show.

Homepage photo: Lindsey Byrnes
Site design & code: Erik Frick